I'm sure my doctor thinks I'm an idiot. I've been battling these recurring sinus/tooth infections for over a decade. He's certain that the problems would go away if I'd just get the dentures. But every time I get things to settle down I put off having anything else done. When I say that I've got a needle/dentist phobia I ain't kiddin'. It may be irrational but combined with the extreme cost - I chicken out.
It's not like they make it easy for me. Am I the only one out there that thinks that the dental tools they lay out in front of you look a lot like the stuff used to torture people? I did a Google search for images of dental tools and a search for torture tools. They're virtually the same!!
Maybe I've just had bad luck when it comes to seeing dentists. I think that one of them here in town may be a certifiable idiot.
And although the second one seemed nice enough, I should have been wary when I saw the whips and chains in the back room. Dentists wearing leather is not a good sign.
Everybody tells me that I'm over-worrying about these things but I've never had the pleasant experiences they've described.
When are they going to get it through their heads that I'm already opening my mouth as wide as I can?
The way I envision the dentist office:
And his drill:
And his OMG needle!
And in case he asks me, the answer is "YES! IT'S SAFE!!!!"