street racing know ya do it..

Best memory of street racing was probably my first race. August 22nd 2:30 A.M. I was out with my friends cruising around in our cars, I had my 96 Ram out with a fresh exhaust mod (Cutouts) and we were having a great fun cruising up and down the main strip in town. Around I'd say 3 am some d bag with a mid 90's mustang started screwing with us chirping his tires and being just an absolute ***. WEll we (me and my friends) pull into the walmart to get away from him and try to have fun and low and behold who shows up, the asshole now he is taunting us saying that he was the king of the strip and all. We ingnored him still and it wasn't until he gets out and got in our faces that we stood up and told him to f off, for some reason he picked me to be the one whose face he got into asking what I am going to do bout it. after several non civilized sentences were exchanged We lined them up and went for it. the Main stretch is usually deserted at 2-5 am so we were good and when we left the stoplight he had me by like 3-4 lengths then it was 6-7, so I am thinking about letting off and low and behold the v10 of mine found a second wind and she just started eating and eating up the space between us and finally pulled away by a feneder or two and even to this day he wont come out and play. Funny things as well is that his sister is now mw Fiancee. lmao