Whats "all original mean today?"

I once saw a '69 340 4 speed Swinger that was reverse cloned into a slant 6 automatic.
The guy swore it was original.
Then i questioned him on where the original engine and transmission was, and he fessed up and told me he traded the entire drive train to a guy that convinced him that his wife would like the car better with less power and more gas mileage. He took the 340 hood too, saying that the hood was bad for mileage because of the bumps on it, and the guy went for that too. The ''nice guy'' swapped all of the parts including the 3:91 sure grip 8 3/4 rear free of charge in a weekend himself to be nice.
His wife was tickled pink that the car got better mileage and didn't have the bad habits in the winter like spinning both tires on the ice like before.
I asked, ''why didn't you just trade cars''?
He replied that his wife liked the looks and the color of the car, it was red with the stripe and his was brown with no stripe.
No ****.