SS/B Barracuda project
As for the milodon stuff first is the older 9 1/2" sump pan with the round steering link
pass thru tube. I have talked to milodon about this pan and they do not have any info,
part #s or recollection of this pan or pickup. They apparently didn't save old outdated
information. This pan uses the pictured lower swinging pickup with the taller rudder.
It has a silver soldered screen on the bottom of the angle cut tube.
The other pictured pan is what they sell today. These super stock pans are 8" deep
and use the pickup that is sitting on the pan for a comparison.
The dual line spacers and pump covers I have shown both sides so you can get an idea of how oil travels thru them. Also shown is the filter adaptor and a vintage dual filter mounting bracket
some racer mounted a gauge into one of the fittings. These filter adaptors mount or are plumbed to the pump cover.