Gunman at Canadian Parliament

Thought civilians couldn't own handguns in Canada? Or were these long guns? Either way, you take away the guns from law abiding people, only criminals will own them!

You live that close to Canada yet you are that ignorant of reality ! thats some education system you folks got there . As we have discussed many times before here Canadians are not prevented from owning guns ,we are just required to show that we know how to handle them safely via a licensing process , just because we don't sell them at yard sales and walmart doesn't mean we can't and don't have them , come **** around in my yard and see how big the hole is that I put in your dumb *** .

These guys are going to be Muslim just like the *** hat that ran down the 2 soldiers the other day , Thanks for dragging us into Americas bullshit Harper . At least they aren`t attacking schools and movie theaters , not many Canadians would cry if they got loose inside the House of Parliament and took out several dozen Politicians , probably just the ones whose MP`s survived would shed a tear eh !