Help me fix my wobbly windows!

I'm following this one. My Dart Sport has the same rattle. The windows are usually down, but if not it is annoying as hell. I put in all new rubbers and fuzzies ... no help at all.

I did the same I put in new fuzzies earlier this year and just now put in all new window and door seals and now the problem is worse as the windows won't correctly roll up into the groove in the window seal. And it still makes that God-awful squeak lol.

So I actually have a 1970 Plymouth FSM, I found the page about the "ventless" door glass which what my car has.

The parts I'm referring to are labeled "5" in the top picture (one in front, one in back); looking at my door assembly the passenger side still has a "spacer" within the track to hold the window "stabilizers" firmly in the track and not let the window flop around. However the front one on the pass. window is missing (causing it to still wobble) and BOTH are missing from the driver side window which I can't even adjust properly because it has so much play.