'1968' ~ 'The Way Mopar Should Have Been'


Good Call,

The {7} 1968 Dart GTS 383 {w/440 conversion} was rated at 375 HP,
and specifically classed for SS/EA in 1968 {8.70 to 9.49 Wt/HP}.

The Mr. Norms {GSS 440} cars, I believe were listed as 440/375 HP
packages as well.

These '68 Dart GTS 'specials' were not permitted to run Stock Class.


Did you read the article. A kid is posting a restoration build on a 68 dart that looked like a 72. (I forget what sit it was on.) He was Striping it down and found that the back of the dart had a 72 brazed on it. A member noticed the colors on it and said to the kid that it look like charlie Allen colors. So he had the Kid wet sand the paint layers down to find out that the Kid had Charlie original 68 GTS 440 Dart.