I'm as giddy as a school girl.


I bought a 60 gallon 6.5 horse, 2 stage compressor off of Craigs List for 125.00 about a year ago. It's been sitting in the garage because I didn't have a hook up for it.

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Well, today I finally got around to wiring in a 220 outlet for it and holy guacamole am I gonna be liking this.

I hooked up every air tool I have and it runs them and doesn't even begin to fall behind. I have been working with a 25 gallon compressor that couldn't begin to keep up. It's not exactly what I want, but it will do for now!!!

This is gonna be great, because I can now sit down and get my heads ported, engine assembled and painted.

While I was at it I ran a dedicated power supply just to run my welder.