Problem with ply30 member

I did not stand up for Justin in any way at all. All I was trying to say is it is time for all the suggestions to stop and anybody he has screwed to go file charges and get this thing over with. Just goes to show after reading some comments that some of you just want to argue about anything. I am not FRIENDS with this guy, I only live alot closer to him than anyone else. I have been ripped off before for alot more than $160.00 and hell no it did not feel good but after I thought about it I had no one to blame but Me.
This should be a lesson to everyone as to how to buy over the internet. If you go back far enough in this thread you would see I talked to Justin (after being asked to do so by a member here) and I told him in a private message that Justin was not going to refund anything until he got what he wanted. Well thank God he finally paid up by getting what he didn't expect. Now the rest of the people he screwed need to follow up and do the same thing. You can think what you want about me because you don't know me. I meant no harm and would never do any of my A/Body brothers or sisters wrong but I have found in my 65 years on earth that talking seems to move few mountains but with friends you can move anything, even a bull headed 18 yr. old.So with that said I hope all of you get what you pay for and never send a check or take one for a refund.
I was accused of being a bad guy a butt hole and best of all a HIT MAN. Damn never thought about it but that is one job I have never applied for, might be fun for a while. I hope some of you have time to see my side by now and I have brought a smile to your face if just for a minute SEE YA.