360 timing
Ok so we are a bit messed up.
-I checked with my jobber, the catalog was Bluestreak/Standard. The following cans are are listed for Mopars but no applications listed. You will need to cross-reference them to find out which ones fit the small-block V-8 family.Most of them are from the 60s or 70s.I listed them in order of desirability.
Chryser Pn----Standard Pn----max advance
Pn2642774-------VC154--------11.5 to 14.5
Pn2875735-------VC172--------10.5 to 13.5
Pn3755474-------VC189-----------10 to 12
Pn2875096-------VC37---------- 9 to 12
-Did you read the now lost post, about the aftermarket adjustable distributor?
-Of these, only the3755474 fits the mag trigger dist. The others are for point types.