Slant 6 Turbo 68Dart Project
Well got my brand new throttle cable ran during the kids' nap, and decided on just ousting the entire old one all together. It was fraying and not pulling all the way and doing weird junk so I tossed it, and put one of the Mr.Gasket cables and sheathes in. It was plenty long enough to go about 1' more if you need it to. Getting the old cable out was as simple as cutting the end off and pulling a clip ring off the inside, then it just all fell out, pulled the old cable through the pedal and tossed it. I bolted the new one up to the rubber grommets, and secured it, checked the pedal travel (you don't get that much pedal travel at all) and measured out a spot on the lever I just added to the carb to attach the other end. I measured the radius of both travels and the degree arc of both so they traveled the same distance, so I now get WOT. Before it was only opening about 3/4 of the way. I also adjusted the kickdown a bit, so that it now pulls all the way forward and back.