360 timing
Well, my thinking was this; A)His current dist. just wont work without modding and B)Ted doesnt seem anxious to the mods, and C) the v-can doesnt work at all, and so D)the easiest thing is to drop a new appropriate unit in there, so E) thats all good, but if a guys gonna drop money on a new unit, you might as well get one that will grow with you.
-Say next summer Ted just cant live with 135psi compression.I mean its gonna be a little soft, esp.at the bottom. So a bigger cam goes in there with an appropriate c/r increase. Now he needs a new tune.So he might as well get an adjustable one now.Now, Rusty I know that you know all this. So this is more for Ted, to get my thinking on the table.
-Also please note that his combo pulls highest vacuum at 26* initial, so the 20* in the dist. puts the power timing too high(at 46*). And if we drop it in with 36 power, then the low end will suffer(@16*). So right from the get-go 20* would be a compromise.Even if the initial is set down to 18*, power timing is borderline excessive at 38*.So in the big picture IMHO, the adjustable is the best way to go.Am I wrong?
-Also Rusty, I strongly disagree with an adjustable dist. being a waste of money for a street car, which is how I interpret your post. If a street car doesnt need it, then who does?A race engine;that spends maybe 90% or more of its time at full advance? Heck no.What else? IDK. A street engine spends a huge % of its life below full advance.So the closer you can dial in those advance parameters, the better will be; warm-up, tip-in response, low-speed torque, a smooth cruise, fuel economy, engine longevity,and generally,just all-round drive-ability.Nobody likes it when, the car feels like its driving "through wet cement". Am I wrong?
-Any throttled engine that is operated at various loads and rpms, needs to have its timing systems optimized.
-Having driven the same car for 14yrs and 125000miles with the same engine in various tunes and under various circumstances,and tuning for different fuels,I can attest to the desirability of having an adjustable unit.For several years this car was even my daily driver.
-Perhaps I miss-read your post,somehow. If so, I apologize for my somewhat aggressive response. It is not my intention to irritate you.And if you know that my thinking is faulty, I am open to changing my thinking.