quench vs no quench?
If you were a little less condescending, it might be easier to take you seriously.
And you still didn't answer my question.
Ask me a proper question, not at what rpm does 650 hp rotate my trans.
I'm condescending because for 35 years I have heard the SAME crap that was wrong then. And it's still wrong now. Simple, isn't it.
Quench is not the do all, end of the world, for 99.9% of everyone out there. Most guys build TQ at the expense of HP. It was wrong in 1979. It is wrong today.
If you come to me and tell me I have .075 quench and 10:1 on pump gas, and you want it at .040, What will it get you? More compression than you want. Or, I have to open the chambers and put your pistons in the mill to reduce compression back to where you can deal with it. For what? So you can say you have .040 quench? Stepping over donuts to pick up dog turds.
Same thing with HP vs TQ. You come to me for a build the first thing I ask is how QUICK do you want to go, what's it weigh, trans you run, gear ratio and tire size. From there, you determine the HP you need. The torque will take care of itself.
The sky is blue. Argue that for a while.