Questions about the Mopar Performance 340 Replacement Block P5007552AB

If you believe any block you find from MOPAR isn't going to need any work at all to use and BE RIGHT, your living in another world. I had to machine a $3000 block so much, even make room for counterweights(as they were not done from the factory), that it almost cost $5000 when done. I don't think I will ever use one again unless I have to.

^ this.
No blocks currently available in big block or small block should be expected to be able to be used as delivered with the exception of Keith Black's. And the KBs you need to carefully check everything just to make sure - everybody's human and there have been issues found with those too. The MP stuff plain sucks. Plan to re-machine it completely, and make sure the shop can check the alignment of the lifter bores.