MY Molded Mopar Model parts!?

THEN I have:

Mopar 426 Hemi
Mopar 472 Hemi
Mopar 528 Hemi
Mopar 540 Hemi

AGAIN those above are a SPECIAL SET.....

Nice Jo-Han replacement set, SINGLE plug per cylinder model! Dual Plug version in the works!

AND AGAIN the above Hemi Valve Covers, are a SPECIAL SET, they are molded from the NICELY done Jo-Hans of the 70's, (I must have had the factory originals for 25 years!)

These all are the same as well, in real life ONLY the bore of the engine cylinders were different outward appearance was exactly the same on ALL of them!

NEXT up, the 426 Dual Over Head Cam Hemi parts!