'65 Dodge A100 MONSTER truck build!
Here are a few updated pics of the A100, and its FRONT tracks.....
The first things AFTER the frames are painted is the lower 2 rollers. These MUST be the first added, as they are the ones that will NOT tolerate any side to side play, OR up and down movement, they must be glued solid to the frames! I took GREAT care to see that this was the case, to date, 4 times! I have yet to do it again, 4 more times, for the 2 rear track frames!
Showing the detail of the whole completed track, this one is for the front, drivers side track....
Showing a little of the track "tread" and direction the cleat follows! Notice, its looks as tho its upside down, and It really is! I did this for a reason. The tracks as you all know are on a monster truck, hence the cleat outside edges to be facing downward, this is for traction, in real life, on a tank they "bite" from the center, BUT have much more weight to get a good "grip" when in motion. On a monster truck not having the same amount of downward pressure, the outside edge would bit more, and allow the track to "ride" flat across, and this would give greater contact to the ground underneath it....
Shown from the back, this side will also be used as a "ladder" to get to the door for the driver to open! And the track natural "sag" over the carrier roller, this roller is rigid mounted and would only "spin" in real life, no deed for it to have a shock, or be "sprung" for tension, its merely to carry the track from the bottom roller to the top powered roller!
This shot, shows a bit more of the tread and the cleats and how the natural sag is, on the track! This was merely possible to model (the natural sag) as the tracks are one cleat, or link at a time and is supported by a clip in the center (drive clip) to the outside hinge plates, that also have a pin in them for a bit more outer edge traction!
This shows the 2 tracks, both fronts side by side.....You can see the purple paint on the rear of the track frame here, and to give an idea of what the whole BEAST is gonna look like when these are on the frame!
More to follow! The second set of tracks are being assembled!