I want an evilstick.

Its legit.

I went with Broderick up to a dollar store over by Westland, near the Harbor Freight on west Colfax.

Allegedly, they had some, pulled them and had them behind the counter. We got there, only to find the girl who is friends with Broderick actually changed shifts, and the manager who came in after her tossed them.

My first thought was to check the dumpsters behind the complex, over by Sears, but they were empty.

The truth of the matter behind this atrocity, is that the Chinese marketing awareness within the manufacturing is practically non-existent.

You have to remember, they are in the same industrial boom that we were in, 35-50 years ago and they make EVERYTHING, only without any internal communication and absolutely no quality control on anything price-point geared, like this piece of crap. So it doesn't surprise me that among all of the Halloween seasonal crap that was being shoveled over here by the drove, along with the typical, low budget toys with horrid misspelling all over the packaging, that something like this would appear.

You also have to remember that the United States has much stricter social rules on what is acceptable to the general public.

Case in point;

Also, if anyone finds any engrish, like the above disaster mickey mouse shirt, I collect it and have mopar stuff for trade. lol