Let's get this slant turbo project started. 71 Dart

What a day!

Tire slasher came back and got my daily driver Honda. One tire plus he egged my car and my girlfriends. Threw a rock and one of the cars but can't see what damage was done, just a big rock out of place in the driveway.

My first thought was "Got it on video" but no, girlfriend moved the video recording equipment AGAIN and it stopped recording. Informed her she was now responsible for keeping it up and running.

Since I have a flat I diagnosed the starting problem on the Dart. It would not start last week. Ballast resister, but I had a spare in the glove box. Installed it and it started right up. Went to the part store and they had a Mallory after market one. Bought it and went to another part store as most stores around me only seem to keep one on the shelf at a time. Picked up a 2nd spare. While I was installing it I noticed the previous owners job of wiring. It consists of twisting wires together and three wraps of electrical tape. This won't last another rainy season I am certain. Going out to buy a soldering gun and accessories right now.

Dug out my tire mounting equipment as I seem to go through a lot of tires the last year I think it may pay for itself if this keeps up.

Local Police report filed. I expect zero action from them unless they want to give me a moving violation or parking ticket. They never responded the last three times I called them.

In other news the Dart runs like a watch!

Think I will go blow off some steam and take it for a ride. Gotta be careful, already had two women almost crash into me in 30 minutes!

Sorry to hear about your being the victim of such adolescent behavior. I hope you get this idiot.

Keep the video rolling: you'll catch him in the act, eventually.:pale: