ex girlfreind .....

I disagree, wholeheartedly, with this statement. A wife , or a husband is not a temporary thing. If you go into the marriage with that mindset, she will, indeed, be temporary.

It usually take two people to screw up a marriage. My wife and I have been married for 38 years, and we dated for 2 years before that. 40 years we've been together. I'm not claiming it was easy, without issues, or any such nonsense, but it is what you and your spouse make of it. I firmly believe that my wife and I are closer, now, than we've ever been in our relationship.

It's not "temporary", you (collectively) make it temporary.
it does indeed often take the work of both to eff up a marriage. I had my hands in the marriage wrecking cookie jar. I find it very interesting that some folks will never admit to they were at fault. What I find even more interesting is that some folks will do everything in their power to try and convince themselves and others they are saints