Models at Walmart!
That '67 Coronet is a GREAT model, as it actually can be built one of several ways right out of the box! "Foose" is just one of the custom ways! DEPENDING on the kit, the '67 Charger can ALSO supply you parts for that '67 Coronet as the 2 models are interchangeable and have different details for the same common 426 Hemi engine! I have both kits actually and have one of them sort of started!
On your mentioning of the cost of kits, your NOT kidding! I thought back in the day paying $12.00 for a model kit was bad...... HELL $25 even $30 today in some cases for a model kit, and sadly, my daughter is 9, and she picked up one of those so called video games for $5........ so. which you'd be right, they're not going to spend that kinda money, for something that sits and collects dust.............. Sadly tho......its gotten to be an "adult" hobby and the cost of suck older kits just astounds me. and then to think what I lost in "value" from a house fire.......I musta had 15 of the old Dodge truck models. go on ebay and look up Dodge Truck models once! You'll see what I mean with this last comment of mine!