1965 Barracuda: What's It Worth?

I guess the upswing is right now, if a person wants to buy a "done" car, a nice car like this is a bargain. look at what people pay a body shop, the time they spend wainting it to be done there, not to mention the costs of all the mechanical work needed.. granted not every car for sale has had the engine, tranny, rearend, interior, front end, brakes, exhaust, tires, wiring etc etc etc all rebuilt or repop parts bought for it!!!!!
then again, lots of people don't have an extra 10 grand sitting in the bank, can't borrow that much, or make the payments, afford to insure that purchase price.... if they do, most time they are in market for a more "mainstream" model!????
lots of take the " less" route, build our own, due to necessity!!?????
I personally dislike using fleebay as a "market" barometer. being able to contact people in the hobby that sold a given car and give truthful info, to be is more meaningful. on the other extreme, is the idiot stuiff at BJ!!?? LOL
like he said, if ya have a nice car like this, forst ya got to find a guy that wants that model, and then can afford a nice car, and doesn't want to do the " I restored this sucker!! thing!!?????