Looking for more

My opinion, and yes, it is worth what you paid for it...lol. So i'll throw it in...

If you're just looking to "tickle" the 10's early next year, the modest weight loss & about 30 more hp could get you close, counting on some nice conditions early in the year. I know you mentioned a solid roller? If you do decide to go there, don't discount talking to Mike Liston @ MRL Performance. He sells a quality lifter and is one of the best at choosing cam grind's for specific applications these days..... http://www.mrlperformance.com/

With your last time slip posting, the car is running so well for the power you're making, I'd hate to see you get too far "out of that box" by doing too much too soon. I'd try and keep doing a little at a time to sneak up on it, unless you want to go whole hog drag car.

Good Luck bobtile, i'll be watching.....and always learning. :thumbrig: