New High In Pain Level - Gout

Same foot and toe pain RedFish, Hurt like hell for a year and a half, foot dr could not find anything and my GP doctor was doing nothing and I walked into his office a year ago and he asked how I was doing I said I am tired of this left foot pain :banghead: He said whats wrong with your foot ? I could not believe it!! I said doc! you have sent me to foot doctors and I have had this damned problem for over a year!#-o! He said he never sent me to a foot doctor or referred me to one.... I put my show back on and walked out!! Told the front desk lady Dr Grubbs need to retire as I walked out the door :wack:

I have a thread on this in the gold Members only thread RedFish, I had a small stroke in my right side of my brain the week my little brother past away up in Illinois, I went up and took care of getting him brought back home and thats when it happened .. Took to much toll on my system ( Stress )... So long story short They found out I have a mutation that happened at birth and I carry an extra Jean (JAK 2) look it up, it tells my bones to make way to many blood platelets it took a hole 3 days to get it under control and my foot pain (In my toe) that kept me from walking right for 1 1/2 years was gone

Oh My old doctor that was feeding me pain piles for 2 1/2 years got a hello letter from my wife and she said she would pray that he would not and is not doing this to any of his patients and to send ALL my paper work to my new doctor with out delay, and I ended up getting a over charge check from him saying they over charged me on some work dun,,, I told Treva he was covering his a$$.. Just a thought and I sure hope things get better ..