oh no, is this 8.75 housing too bad?

$1150 for a 3.23 8.75!!! Damn, I gotta jack my prices up some. For that kind of loot, I'd be holding the seller accountable for the housing.
You can save that with a new pair of ends, but you're probably best off to find another housing and start from scratch.

Well, it's a lot of money but comparison shopping for a full put together setup, with everything but the brake hardware, and known working from a hopefully honest member... it's not so bad. Of course the known working part is now the part that isn't coming together so well.
I really haven't seen anyone selling all of this stuff together, and what I have got offers on has been just the housing, or something I could hack together myself (weld, cut, etc). I was hoping to get something I didn't have to work on. There are packages on ebay of course, and other places, but for much more money.

I think the seller assumed this stuff was fine, put the diff in for me and hoped for the best. Of course I'm going to lose out on this, no matter how it's handled, because even if I ship it back and get my money back, I'm still out a **** ton of time and effort, and gas money, and I don't have a rear end.

I'm thinking I could source another housing, and put the diff and carrier and maybe even the axles in that, and maybe be alright. By the time I find a housing, and pay the shipping, I'm out half the money I paid already.

I might just have to look to get some money back for whatever it's going to cost to fix the housing, and hope for the best on the rest of it.

I don't want to say anything bad about the seller at this point, because he hasn't responded to me yet, and so far he's been a good guy. I may have just put too much faith in how much he knew about the housing before he sold it to me.

If I were to pay someone to cut, grind, and weld this thing back together properly, am I really going to need to get new housing ends? It seems that housing ends are all made for green bearings. I've already got the proper gaskets and all for these bearings, and the seals. I'd rather not spend any more money. Is someone who can weld and layout going to be able to handle this, or is it going to be a mess once he/she gets it ground back off? Does it require a jig to do it right for a driver? If so, it sounds like I'm going to just be driving on the 7.25 until I find another housing.