Ignition Issues - Car Won't Start Intermittently
Alright, it's been a while, life has gotten in the way (new kid and a cross country move from NY to GA) but as life has started to settle down I've had some time to investigate this ignition issue a little more.
The last thing I did was jumper from the brown wire connected to the starter relay to ground. This solved the ignition issue as I had been able to start the car without fail every time.
This past weekend I went to take the car for a cruise and when I turned the ignition NOTHING. No clicks, no attempt to turn over, literally nothing. I charged the battery and got her to start again. Took her for a ride and decided that it was time to get the battery checked and replace the starter relay. I just installed the starter relay, made sure I had a charger on my battery and attempted to start her again. Nothing. Put it into neutral, it turned over. So now I'm back at square one, having eliminated the starter relay itself I am thinking that my next step is to investigate the NSS.