vacuum advance idle issue?

Your post is extremely unclear.
-Sounds like a faulty low-speed circuit in addition to any timing issues.Or possibly a fairly large vacuum leak.If you put a vacuum gauge on the manifold and it gives you a nice steady number like 16 or better, you could probably skip the next tests,for now.However, if the number is drifting around,or bouncing, or low, like 14 or less; I would do a serious search for a vacuum leak, including a valve adjustment.Tight valves will destroy low speed vacuum, which the low speed circuit depends on for proper operation.
-You will need some tools or a good friend with the tools.
A basic tune-up is a good place to start including a compression/cylinder leakage test, and a search for the possible intake leak.
You cant really start at the carb, until the timing is close. You may, I say MAY, be hooking the advance up to the wrong port. From here its hard to tell because you mention the very high idle speed. So, for now, disconnect it and plug the line to the carb, just as poster nm9 says. This is important for us to help you at all from way over here.
-Is your distributor complete? Is it still point triggered? Its unclear.The vacuum can locates/indexes the point plate relative to the housing. If its MIA, the plate can move around and of course the timing with it.
-Did I mention that you will need tools?
-Here is a starter list; Vacuum gauge, Timing lite, basic tool kit with your specific sparkplug socket.
-Additionally, you might need; TDC locator, Feeler gauge set, Screw-in Compression tester
-And later, you might need; Dwell meter, Leak-down tester