MY Molded Mopar Model parts!?
SO, I thought I'd do a bit of..............."UPDATING".....I HAVE too, the parts are beginning to "pile" up! I BEST getto cleaning. and theres no reason why I ought not, BECAUSE in a day, I'll ave 30 MORE molds made, to be casting away at!!!!!!
Have a look:
THESE as you all know are 4 parts NORMALLY, I made that one sub assembly into one WHOLE molded part! A BLOWER, that originally came from a 426 Hemi in the "Johnny Lightening" '69 Dodge Daytona Charger kit....(YES, I have it!) NO its not getting this blower....I have a slightly better or well not better, EQUAL I should say, idea for it!
SEEN here also is a 426 Hemi "Hillborne Injector" intake....I DON'T have the tubes made up for it yet, BUT those too are coming! :D
With these, I ought to post what just messing around does in my shop!
JUST TONIGHT, you see 2 tables....ALL laid out, EACH table, shows parts molded, UNCLEANED, BUT its not that, its the "count" of parts on EACH table! The first pic, has 199 parts on it, and the other table, has 199 parts on it, making a WHOOPIN' 398 pieces, in about 4 hours! Will take about 2 hours to "clean" all of them!
IN that bunch, are a few "NEW" items to make it to my molded list of Mopar parts SOME could very well be used on ANY build, Mopar, GM, or Ford!!!!!
ENJOY, WILL be adding pics to the "single pics" depicting EACH part, like my last update!