Help with strange knock???

So, did you figure it out yet?
Wish I could say I have fixed it. I had just finished up restoring an 87 D100 truck and thought I had everything wrapped up so I could focus on the Dart. well......the weather changed and I ended up having to fight bugs on the truck project. leaks, carb issues etc.... the little things. I have my fingers crossed that I finally finished that last night. I had a transmission pan that would not seal no matter what I did. Drove me crazy. Anyway now that the weather is crap I think I can finally get back on the Dart. I plan to install a torque strap in the near future and then go from there. I also have to pull the 4 speed out of it. 4th gear syncro is going. Thanks for all the trouble shooting help. Ill post the results of the torque strap in a month or so. I coach wrestling as well and we are in full swing here, so time is limited.