Block Id

Where did you get your information from, internet rumors, Chrysler literature, a comparison by one of the 3-4 premium G3 Hemi builders? The only way I would believe they are different would be if the info came from one of the latter two.

I DO have Chrysler literature that states the 6.1 block is beefed up internally over the 5.7 block. That's the type of info I take seriously. For that matter, I've never seen anything that states the 5.7 block has thicker cyl. walls than a 6.1. The 6.1 has a bigger bore, but I've never seen anything legit that states they started out the same thickness before boring.


Thanks for the help but all are NOT the same,The early truck blocks had thicker walls hence more overbore is available,I got it from a family in Indiana in a estate sale,The owner was killed when a jack let loose and crushed him underneath,Just want to know what I got that's all,It's funny you find out anything you want about "LA" blocks but the new stuff can be a mystery--"Anything that's not a mystery is just guesswork" thanks again Steve