New High In Pain Level - Gout

After looking at all the remedies available online I choose
I went with their Gout-Cleanse combo. Colon Cleanse isn't what it's name suggests ( Colon Blow or Colon Rinse ). In fact it is counteracting the side effects of pain meds and omeprazole ( commonly known as Prilosec ) that I've been taking for years due to bleeding stomach ulcers. I wish I was taking this one years ago. Anyway, back to the Gout ...
Other than a small amount of pain in the knuckle where left foot meets big toe, I'm golden.
Little change in my diet. Mid morning coffee was changed to water. Iced tea with my super was changed to water. Giving up beer wasn't an issue since I didn't drink beer often.
What you need to know if considering these medicines ;
Huge nasty tasting pills much like any other vitamin or dietary supplement.
90 of each is not a 90 day supply. You'll take a combined total of 24 per day for the first 3 days.
Combined total of 8 per day going forward.