1965 Dodge Dart Charger

I'm seeing the same thing: crowned instead of concave surface profile. Still way, far closer than any of the other options I've seen available in any country. Ulf, you'd be doing the community a huge service (and probably make a nice profit) if you were to have this material reproduced!

Dan! With your knowledge, do you know any one that would be able to repop these mouldings? DuPont said that they could not provide the moulding. I have talked with 4 companies here in Sweden and they don't have the machinery to do them.

Any input would be mostly appriciated.

The work with the side glass continued tonight. The U-channel I ordered was discounted so I found a flat rubber mat with 1/16" thickness. With that I was able to get the rubber mat on top of the glass and bring the stainless steel mouldding in place. With a hammer!!!

After I had mounted the lower bracket on the window I found out that the assembly line workers mounted the bracket on the mecanism and then dropped down the glass! :banghead: To get the U-channel the way it looked I needed to trim the rubber channel with a razor blade. To get the car quite I had the NOS weatherstrip between the side glass and the quarter glass. Part numbers casted in the weatherstrip means NOS!

Then it was time to add the bolts holding the vent window frame in place. The yellow dichromated "washer" was in Place and the bolts that were black phosphated. Now it starts tolooks like they did it!

Then an hour to ajust the hole thing to get satiesfied. Need to get the black plastic u-channel for the vent window!