Pkg deal 67 Formula "S" fastback and F150


Everyone is rooting for you to find a way to keep the car ... myself included. Almost feel guilty inquiring about it being that it was your Pop's car. But I've been in a similar situation myself years ago where I had to make the difficult decision to reluctantly sell off all of my Mopars. But sometimes you just got to do what you got to do for the greater good.

Anyway, back to the car, reading your build thread it looks like you bought the car from Jim ("Sprecks") here in the States right? So is the car a U.S. spec car that was originally sold new in the States? Apparently it makes some kind of a big difference to U.S. Customs if it was originally sold new in the States vs sold new in Canada. And I assume you still have all of the paperwork from when you brought it across the border into Canada. Let me know. Thanks!

Thanks for the kind words Tom, and sorry to hear you were in a similar situation, aint a lotta fun and a buttload of strain on the relationship. Im obviously hoping that circumstances change. Ive applied for a lateral transfer with work. I was leary as probation is 9 months and Im only 4 months in....Boss understood, so thats cool. Sucks as we just lost an operator on Monday to a different location, so that puts a strain on them as well. Sucks as there is no definite time when I can transfer. Just submit a "list" and wait.

Anyway enough babblin, yes Dad bought the car from Jim.Jims brother Jay did the paint and body and I believe Jim did the rest. The documentation is as much as I have ever seen, it is just missing the dealer invoice/window sticker. Im not sure about what would be needed for the car to go back to the US?? All I know is what is required for us to bring it up here. This I can say, the US side was AMAZING!! The "Homeland" NOT SO MUCH!! Held up at Canada Customs for 6 hours, had to empty our pockets and they went to town on the truck/trailer and cuda. They emptied/flattened one of the tires on the hole, but pushed the valve stem in. F'ers!!:finga:

Dad spent some good $$ and we put a lot of time together on it. Good times, but quite a bit of time. It gets thumbs up everywhere and from all types of car/bike owners. It helps when the color and the Cragars are a perfect match too.

Thanks Tom