exhaust system pcv?

-So do I read your post right, that you are attempting to band-aid a worn out engine? Or do I misunderstand your post?
-I had A 292/.509 cam, 11.2 c/r motor for a while. I installed just one, standard, comes-on-all, Mopar V-8s since the early 70s, Plastic PCV valve, and just one Mr.Gasket breather.I built it with file-fit Plasma Moly rings. The system worked perfectly.
-I highly recommend that you employ that OEM type system. It works.. As long as the valve cover under the breather is well baffled,and/or screened, its never been a problem,for me. And it beats having the oil in the muffler, and leaking out the drainholes that I always put in the low-spots to drain the condensate that likes to eat exhaust systems like mine.
-Some guys relocate the breathers to a cross-over pipe, connecting the 2 covers. But theyre doing stuff I can only dream about doing. If your engine is anything at all like mine, it will be fine OEM style
-Oh I see now;You are looking to the future; Same answer/recommendation. And,File-fits or gapless.

Total seal. Rings