I never thought I'd say this, but it's time to sell

Well guys, sometimes I surprise myself. I'm moving across the country for graduate school in the spring and I had planned all along to bring the Barracuda with me. Unfortunately, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I have to do the smart thing and let it go. I'm really bummed about this. I've put so much blood, sweat, and love into this car and I am definitely not ready to see it go. I just finished a major engine upgrade a couple of months ago and now I won't even get to enjoy it.

Anyone else had to do this far before they were ready? How did you cope?

I'm really just venting here and don't intend to turn this into a for-sale thread. I do want to see it go to a Mopar guy though, so I'll create a listing in the proper section for those that are interested.