dodge dart 1969 ladder bars

Just curios.... what instant center works best for you. Do you ever move it (up /down) for changing conditions??

The different length bars and changing the instant center ( distance the front attaching point is from the ground) is how you tune.

If I remember correctly....the heavier the car...the longer the bar. The instant center is more to adjust to the track condition.(sticky)

A 4-bar is nothing more than a ladder bar with mega-adjustments......often way more than you will ever use.

i have read about instant centers....and only under stand it as moving a refrigerator as far as where you push it to move it easier....LOL

I dont think I have every adjusted the bars either.....I put them on using high tech carpenter square....a metal yard stick...metal tape measure....magnetic degree finder...torpedo level...floor jacks.....and measured and re measured to make everything was square or plumb to the earth...

I even left the leaf springs on the car to keep the rear housing located in the stock location until the ladder bars were welded in place..

In all three cases the cars go straight...their 60 ft times seem to be consistent with what there ET is....