Best damned Christmas present in a very, VERY long time !!!

Contract year for big oil and union workers. I think it happens every three or four years. But it seems every contract time the price of oil drops and comes right back after all is settled and the union workers can't ask for much more then they already get due to the price of oil being down. Oil company's claim the last 30 billion they made may not be easily made in the future. I don't sit on the union committee but I hear alot of hoopla. I'm sure theres more to it then just that but kinda fishy anyway.

ive been in the oil patch since 04 and there are so many things that affect the oil prices its unreal but typically you see a drop in oil every election year and at the end of every year. oil is always more expensive in the summer time. but there is not a whole lot i can say about why it is as low as it is right now.