12:05 Garage- ’70 Duster build

I'm also planning to do megasquirt, but I'm going with the Megasquirt Pro for the smaller size and being able to mount it in the engine bay.

Since I'm also going with LSx coils, are you going to be using the 36-1 crank wheel and a 92+ 5.2/5.9 magnum distributor? That's how I'm going to get the sequential on mine. I found a place that will do custom crank wheels.

That is exactly what I am going to do for crank and cam position. I was originally planning on using the Jeep 4.0 cam position sensor since the drive is very similar to the A engine drive and would really just need an adapter to get the height correct, but for now I'm just going to go with the Magnum dizzy without a cap to make things easy. I'm not completely scrapping the Jeep sensor idea, just have so many other things to do with the car, I figured that would be a fun upgrade down the road.
What are you thinking of doing for the 36-1? Right now my plan is to use a crank mandrel with a 1" stub shaft. I'm leaning towards the Jones Racing Products piece right now, but there are others out there. Then I would just need the 36-1 wheel to have a 1" bore with a keyway. I have other ideas in my head, but that's the direction I'm leaning right now.