Who wants a mopar turbo kit?!?!
I REALLY want to share pics, but I know better because things are still changing to accommodate different body types, fine tuning routing, etc... won't be long though.
Those in the know who have seen it are VERY impressed with the engineering behind it. If I was building a one off, I would have been done weeks ago. But there are lots of little challenges to think about... for example.
There are 4 possible lower radiator hose inlets. (Driver, pass, wide core, narrow core)
Stock fans vs electric each have packaging challenges.
How about stock Trans lines into the rad?
How do you support a 40lb chunk of turbo hanging out in the engine bay well, yet still give it flexibility to accommodate pipe bending and welding production tolerances?
Etc.... just trying to nail down as much of this in the initial design as I can before releasing these.
Like I said, doing one is easy...making them work on MANY cars is tougher.