A V8 into a 63 valiant

Are you SURE your car was a 63? The 64 had the firewall changed for the V8. That wiper hump has to all but be removed in the 63 for the distributor. One of our members on here did a super nice job of cutting and shortening his distributor on one. It's really badass.

Im absolutely sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that its a 63. It was Grandma fresh when I bought it and ive owned it for 22 years, lol. Im going to post the picture in a second, and you can clearly see a small half round indentation in the firewall behind the distributor.

But.................maybe ill be looking for a set of HP big block manifolds instead. Im in gear changing mode, lol..........................Yep, my wife has that annoyed look on her face...................im in gear changing mode, lol