mag. which rocker arm assys to get?
How big a cam/ stiff a valvespring do you need, to get the job done? I went .520 Howards hyd roller / 1110 Hughes drop in valve springs on mine( installed 100/ 300-320 @.500 lift. Stock stuff, works pretty good, Harland Sharp non adjustables are nice .( If you decide to go adjustable, here's some advice ...) I ended up with a Crane conversion/ Comp rockers/ needed a custom pushrod ( witch I would do regardless..). Still had to trim the rockers, to clear the Crane studs ( on mine anyway..) I would check out the Hughes Engines rocker / stud combo kit ( part no. 1550). They run a lower profile screw in stud and rocker combo. If running a solid flat tappet , I would go for a bigger screw in stud conversion. Remember, that's a stock 5/16" diameter stud, it has its psi limits. Hope this helps some.