Drag Racing is Dying

drag racing, like so many other things that were significant parts of American culture and society from the 1950s onward is slowly fading away.

but it's not just drag racing - "cars" are fading away. i've read several articles reporting that the major car companies are worried about the overall trend downward for car ownership by the 18-30 crowd. national statistics indicate that "youths" are waiting longer to get their drivers' licenses and that they are just not as interested in cars as their parents were. further, the 18-30 crowd is moving into the cities and generally use public transportation (or bicycles) as their primary means of transport. the only place where there seems to be increasing interest in drag racing is in the "electric" vehicle area where young people are building battery powered dragsters, cars and motorcycles.

i believe "the writing is on the wall" as far as the end of most forms of internal combustion auto racing. there will always be a percentage of folks who want to watch or participate in "stock car" or "drag" racing but the available tracks will continue to decline. another factor is the value of real estate. stock car tracks and drag strips require scores of acres of ground and support facilities. and probably the real "800 pound gorrilla" in the room as to auto racing is the increase in insurance costs. a large combined (stock and drag) facility near pittsburgh has been rumored to be closing due to excessive insurance premiums.

there are a lot of forces working against collecting and racing cars these days. and sadly, even participating in these activities are starting to be frowned upon and even ridiculed by the "yutes." my suggestion to anyone interested in collecting or racing cars is to DO IT NOW OR AS SOON AS YOU CAN!! 6 months is a long time in the world we live in now and much can change in as short of time - or even suddenly change because of politics. no one who loves cars should be thinking in terms of "years" these days. i predict that 5 years from now, there will be very few auto company manufactured "muscle cars"; not very many auto racing tracks (of any kind) nationwide and no where near the market and availability of after market performance and restoration parts as are available presently.

sorry to be such a debbie downer ... but my views are based upon quite a bit of reading and study.