Drag Racing is Dying

Is drag racing dying?
Is it changing?
Money and insurance have changed the sport......a lot, at least for the pro or semi pro racer, but that's not realistic for most of us.
Technology has a big part to do with it, the quest to be more up to date with computers, etc. It's not as simple today as it was in the '50s to the '70s (for the average Joe). People used to race with a ''run what you brung'' attitude, now it seems that it's as if you don't have a 9 second car that's streetable, you are laughed off the track.
Back in the day, (the '60's), if you had a car that was in the 13's you were a big deal. If it was in the 12's, it was a serious player. 11's? you were a pro.
People have lost sight on what it is to have fun......to hell with the numbers, and the big budget that goes along with it.
That's the spirit of drag racing that will never die, if people will just go back to the roots of it.
Have fun, that's what it's all about.
For what it's worth, i don't get any enjoyment out of the drifting thing.