Who's into Pinball?

Before I got my machines and had just had my first son. We had this computer game called "Hyper 3D Pinball". It ran on Windows 95 machines in DOS mode.

It was so realistic, that my son started playing it when he was 4. We were in a Meijer store and they had a pinball machine when he was 5. We put in some money in, and he took right to it. The computer game was so realistic, he had the eye hand coordination to hit the ball a 5-6 times with the flipper before it would go down the side or center... Not bad for a beginner in his first real game...

I grew up on that as well.

There is another game called "Pinball Arcade". Sadly the price of the game is stupidly silly because you have to buy different packages of machines. BUT all the machines in this game are actual pinball machines.