Need slant heads for OHC project

Look at Ford's coyote engine. It's OHC and that tiny engine hauls ***.

No one thinks of an OHC kit for the slant, mainly because one isn't eveb available. Building an entire new head is way out of my budget. Porting will be plenty. In my particular build, flow isn't a huge issue. Eliminating push rods would be a huge plus. I'm doing a turbo slant and wanting to push 30 pounds or more with a shot of nitrous. Those long pushrods will be a weak link. I'm already taking care of all of the other necessary engine preparations. The OHC would be easier to push higher RPM's and higher boost. It shouldn't be a whole lot taller either.
Like I said, I mainly want to do this just for the sake of doing it and to see what I can accomplish. Opinions and theories are great, but you'll never know unless you try.