Duster 340 not a muscle car...

Who cares what a dictionary says a muscle car is, or which car coined the frase? Fact of the matter is when someone says, "hey, what's ur favorite muscle car?" They're not ruling out mustangs, camaros or a bodies. They want to know which classic, nastolgic, 4 wheeled piece of history makes u smile!! When I go to cruise nights to check out muscle cars, do I turn away when someone pulls in with a classic truck?! No! Do I look away when someone has a vette...maybe...but that's cuz they're all owned by doutch bags. Anyway, the point is I love muscle cars! I appreciate the time and effort someone put into their build no matter what it is! And if u didnt build it, I appreciate the historical significance of it! And these old cars remind us of something. They remind us of when things were easier, not bogged by emissions standards and u don't need a computer to work on em! In my opinion muscle cars are any old american made vehicle that can leave a patch of rubber on the pavement or at least can be modified to do so. That's right! I believe /6's can be considered muscle cars too! And anyone who is so close minded so as to say someone else's car isn't a muscle car is definitely wearing their bowtie a little too tight!!