Hotrod power block shows

I hear ya man I'm only 23 and I HATE cable TV, been living with my mom for a while now and she insists on having cable. I've probably turned on the cable box 3 times over the 7 months I've been living here. It's always useless trash and old movies I've seen 20 times not to mention you're watching commercials more than anything.

Nowadays it's all about internet TV, you can download and watch whatever shows you want without having to pay for anything besides an internet connection. Netflix (which you do pay for) and torrenting is good enough for me!

Haha im 20 years old and I haven not had cable in over a year I like living old school we survived before t.v perfectly fine I just watch youtube its for free and tons of great videos and I much rather be working on something then watching any of the garbage that is on cable