WOW Stolen Cuda found

Here is the "actual proof."

1....The car was stolen and reported as such

2....Sitton has it, has had it for some time, and does not have a clean source / explanation as to how he got it

3...There are witnesses who have stated such that they know of and did see the car in a complete assembled state until very very recently. It wasn't until AFTER the stolen car became a "hit" because of the tow yard mailing to the Whites that Sitton stripped -- or had the car stripped

This last fact ALONE is a crime and should be easy to prove.


Sitton is rich enough and enough of a "car enthusiast" (if you can call him one) to know you don't get a car like this sixpack Cuda for the money he paid, and he is wise enough to know that cars like this just don't show up magically with no title.

You can bet your ***..........right from his daughter's mouth......that there WILL be a civil lawsuit over this

haven't been around in a while but, "allow me to retort"
1 - after a couple of years it dropped off the stolen car alert and ability to prosocute
2 - just because he hasn't given a satisfactory answer to how/from who he got the car, doesn't mean he doesn't have one.
3 - what crime exactly is that, and if it can be proven, why hasn't a legal proceeding been addressed?
FURTHER - like he said on a video , cars are sold on a bill of sale, they just become very difficult to title...
i really hope every thing possible that can happen to Sitton, legal or otherwise, happens to him --
but just because you and 193+ pages of ranting say it's true doesn't make it true