Ron Pratt / Barett Jackson

You can thank the high prices of these cars for creating a great assortment of quality reproduction parts for our cars, AMD body panels comes to mind.
Remember the '80s?
Sure, you could buy a project car for cheap then, but when you went to restore it you were pretty much screwed.
The only choice was NOS or rust free parts.
Reproduction parts then (other than some interior stuff) was lousy at best.
Some was just terrible!
It was a different time back then scouring junkyards and swap meets........
A lot of cars got parted out back then that today would be easy builders.
But thanks to the higher prices that these cars bring today, the reproduction market has blossomed to where it is today, and more is coming!
I would like to thank the rich bastards that spend big bucks at the auctions.
And my hat is off to Barrett/Jackson, Mecum, and others that make this possible.
Our car hobby is being saved, not destroyed!
Some people just don't know when they have it good........

Very good point.I didn't look at it like this but you nailed it right on the head.