Swinger 1/4 Window Help

They are truly a PITA. I found it easiest to remove everything and pull the entire assembly out of the car and doing the repair on the workbench. If you dont have a service manual you can download one here. If there isnt a 72 download the 71, it should be the same. Might find some useful info to assist you.


Or search the net and pick up a hard copy. They are well worth it.

I had to replace a broken rear quarter glass window in my 1972 dart swinger and yes, total PITA if trying to work on it in the car....Best to take the entire assembly out, work on the bench, then put assembly back in...The rear bolt you can get on without taking the seat out, but just barely.....You have to move window handle regulator around to get the bolt in the farthest forward position as possible....and also compress seat with your socket and extension but it is possible....Also, I believe I had to take out the end screw or two for the rear sail panel......I sold an assembly on here a while back...I can link you to some pics for reference...here you go
