Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

FUDGE! CRAP! AARGH! I'm trying my best not to have the moderators censor what I really feel like saying.

I so dread the idea of tearing the dash apart again that I decided I better make d*mn sure I won't have to do it again.


I was scoping out the cluster we've had sitting around for the Charger and I'm considering swapping out the whole thing. I'd applied white faces to the gauges a long time ago and I don't think I can remove them. As I recall the black faces had flaking paint. It's been years ago so I don't know how accurate my memory is about them. I do know that we never tested the gauges to see if they worked.


We hadn't had a tach with the Charger's cluster so I'd fitted an aftermarket one in the hole. It does have a built in shift light. One of the reasons we'd gone with white faces on these gauges was to match the tach. - The other was to increase visibility.


The good news is that last week my son told me that he ordered new back lit gauges for the Charger. He had decided not to use the ones that are here.

You can see how much brighter the white faces look compared with the black. If I switch clusters, I'll eliminate the other aftermarket tach that hangs in front of the factory tic-toc-tach. I know that these tic-toc-tachs are a valuable option but my son is partial to the built in shift light.


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